The word Christmas ( Christmas ) which means Mass of Christ or Christ - Mass abbreviated , is defined as a day to celebrate the birth of " Jesus " . Celebrations are held by non - Christians and all Christians is derived from the teachings of the Roman Catholic Christian Church . But , where do they get these teachings ? Because Christmas was not the teachings of the Bible ( the Bible ) , and even Jesus never commanded his disciples to minister . Celebrations included in Roman Catholic Christianity in the 4th century is derived from traditional ceremonies pagan society .
In the history of Christmas itself is much disagreement among Christians about the celebration Ummah , so many from among those who do not follow the teachings because they think that Christmas is not the birthday of Jesus . As described from the roma catholic catholic encyclopedia , 1911 edition titled Christmas : " Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church ... the first evidence of the feast is from Egypt . Pagan customs centering around the January calends gravitated to Christmas " .
Catholic of the Roman Catholic Encyclopedia says that " Christmas is not the first church ceremony , but he is believed to have originated from Egypt . Celebration organized by the pagans and falls in the month of January , then used as the birthday of Jesus "
As described in the site strong evidence that says that Christmas is not the birthday of Jesus , the American encyclopedia published in 1944 that describes the following :
Christmas .... It was , According to many authorities , not celebrated in the first centuries of the Christian church , as the Christian usage in general was to celebrate the death of remarkable persons rather than their birth ... " ( The " Communion " , the which is instituted by New Testament Bible authority , is a memorial of the death of Christ ) . " ... A feast was established in memory of this event [ Christ 's birth ] in the fourth century . In the fifth century the Western Church ordered it to be celebrated forever on the day of the old Roman feast of the birth of Sol , as no certain knowledge of the da of Christ 's birth Existed .
The meaning is :
According to experts , in the early centuries , Christmas was never celebrated by the Christian church . In general , only Christians celebrate the death of prominent people alone , and never celebrated the birthday of the person ... " . ( " Holy Supper " as defined in the New Testament , only to commemorate the death of Jesus ) . " Christmas ... is regarded as the birthday of Jesus , began to be unveiled in the fourth century AD . And in the fifth century AD , the Western church ordered the Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus , which is taken from the Roman feast day that celebrates the birth of Sol ( the Sun God ) . Because no one knows the day of Jesus' birth .
So how do Islam merangkan about Christmas which incidentally is the Roman doctrine ?
Religion Islam is a very tolerant religion but not by creed , because Aqeedah is the foundation of the basic beliefs of Muslims themselves and celebrate Christmas means deniers Aqeedah and belief itself.
Giving Christmas greeting to them is also a proof that we recognize their teachings when the Prophet sallallahu ' alaihi wa sallam glittering hadith which reads :
Ibn Umar said the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wa sallam said ,
من تشبه بقوم فهو منهم
" Whoever resembles a people , he belonged to them . " ( Narrated by Abu Dawood , Al - Libas , 3512 . Al-Albaani said in Saheeh Abu Dawood , Hasan Saheeh, no. 3401 ) .
So really So it should be a Muslim Muslim Ummah should really understand the consequences that must be accepted in any of the teachings of Islam itself .
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